Sunday, March 11, 2012

Big Guys invest in Willcox, just like me

March 11, 2012
This time we will talk about Warren Buffet.     I am his mentor.   Every time I do something he does the same thing.    I haven’t been around Warren Buffet before but I admire him.    I meant he is my mentor… someday I will be a billionaire if I live long enough.   I think he is one of the top 3 richest persons in America or the world.    I think somebody in Mexico is richer than him.   But he still has a few extra dollars.     His son is helping to use some of his money.   They are buying a track of land south of Willcox.   And he is trying to farm in the desert without the water.   Better be good if he can, then he could take that whole dry lake  ….  60 square miles of it and farm it.     That would even be better than Dan in Central America even.      That would be a good thing to spend his dad’s money on.    

Like Dan I like to make something out of nothing too.     I am proud of family and my grandkids and I am also proud of my farm that I used to run back in Illinois.   I remember when I was a kid it wouldn’t grow anything but ticklegrass   but now, thanks to Dan it is the best farm in the county.     (picture from 2008)

I  mostly proud of the second thing I have done….   Historic Railroad Avenue.     When I first got on Historic Railroad Avenue they had a brochure telling what tourists could do in Arizona (30 – 40 years ago).   The back of the pamphlet it said that Willcox has a Historic Distinct  but it was filled drugs and derelicts .    This Week I read in the Arizona Range News…   a candidate before the city council said he was making historic downtown a priority  “without a doubt railroad park is unique and singular, beautiful, historic, patriotic, momentous, traditional, enduring, and much too small”.    They don’t call me mayor for nothing around here.   

This is Dick Seidel the honorary Mayor of Historic Railroad Avenue.  

Gun Slinging

March 4, 2012
This is Richard.    I am good at gun slinging.    Gun stories are my specialty lately,   I am always talking about murders or something.   They had a shoot out at Wilcox High School on Thursday.   They caught the shooter and have him in jail.    He had a rifle and he shot at the school from farther away.   He shot one automobiles glass out and someone was hurt by flying glass.     The whole story is in the Willcox Range News.  That was the Willcox gun slinging.     The schools were locked down for an hour and a half and someone said it was like a day and a half as she was locked down in her class with her students.    

We had Marty Robbins day here on Railroad Avenue yesterday.   It was pretty well attended and we had a good business.    Good food, good music, good singing.   Our painter got here in time to do some singing on Railroad Park.       He had gone back home to the midwest but broke down and came back to Willcox.    He is working for me again.  

Glad Emma Lou got to the mountains instead of the prairie of Illinois to avoid the tornadoes.    Lots of damage in the Midwest but I guess our family is okay huh?  

My Sister in Law, broke her hip on Thursday.   She gets surgery on it tomorrow.   

Everything else is okay that I know of.        This is Dick Seidel on Historic Railroad Avenue